Create an approachable competition centered around the principles of safety, innovation, communication, and the sharing of knowledge and new techniques. Tree climbing is evolving and changing; the Jamboree will be structured to keep pace with and embrace the boundless creativity of the wonderful people that make up our industry.
Together we can create a down to earth competition where people are encouraged to experiment, display, and innovate. We can showcase our contenders, the masters of our craft, doing what they do best. Working. Our vision isn’t necessarily huge or enormous trees and plumbobs, but instead it is of normal trees, real life scenarios and realistic work practices.
JAMBO events are fun, thats where we start. Family friendy, engaging, approachable and something people understand. Our events are simple. There are lots of things to do and prizes to win for spectators.
CLICK to sign-up for JAMBO Southern Illinois Select a role. Spectator or Volunteer. Climber Spots Full.